Here are some particular nice details that I picked up while looking at all the pictures yesterday.

It may be my 48 year old eyes, but some of these details weren't noticable to the naked eye. Or at least my naked eye. [why do we say naked eye, anyway?Do we mean to imply that the eye lid is some kind of garment?]

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the devil in the details and I'll try to post a few more when I get time. There are still quite a few nice details to share.

But there's
Etsy work to be done. The sale is going to happen on this coming Tuesday at 10 a.m.
[August25th]. I hope you can help me spread the word. You can use the "[+Share]" button on
Facebook or here below this post. I thank you!
"tell you Ma, Tell your Pa, Our loves a gonna grow, ooo wah, ooo wah."