in the little church over at Penland!
[photo by Nancy Barnett]
Wow 9 years!! Where does the time go? I guess time does fly when your having kids and making a home. I guess I forgot to mention keeping a pottery business afloat , and building a kiln and studio! It's been a blast, Stacey!
So, like so many parents with kids we'll celebrate our anniversary with the girls tonight after their swimming lessons and then hopefully we'll get away (sans kids) on a date by ourselves to hear some music, have a nice dinner, and use big words of affection while gazing lovingly into each others eyes!! I just hope that I'll remember some "grown up" words!

These are just a couple from the 150 or so that I just downloaded from the camera!! Ha! She's really been enjoying taking pictures with the old FujiPix. When I was Lillian's age (1967) the camera and it's film were reserved for special occasions with the occasional snapshots. With digital cameras it's become almost too easy to snap off a few hundred. But it's pretty cool that she's getting into taking pictures!
In other news I'm getting ready to do some drawings and paintings for a show I'll have this coming October at the American Folk Art Gallery in Ashville. Betsey Rose and I have been planning a great show of new pots, as well as some new drawings in ink and other goodies, TBA. You'll see it first here so stay tuned.