Photo Contest Highlights the Importance of Handmade Pots in Everyday Life
For the past five years, people from all over the world have been contributing hundreds of photographs to potter Ayumi Horie's Pots in Action web page. The forty-eight photographs that have been submitted to her inaugural online contest show the many ways that Horie's handmade pots being are being interacted with in everyday life. One woman sips tea from a love bird cup in front of a memorial to her recently deceased husband, a rainbow flows out of a cup in a Texas kitchen, a man lounges in the pool with a paper umbrella in his cup. This ongoing crowd sourcing project seeks to both celebrate people's creativity and underscore the importance of beautiful, handmade objects in everyday life. Voting ends September 14th, 12 noon EST.
Click here to see the entire Pots in Action project and click here to see the map!

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