From a conversation with old friends the other day, the topic of expectations came up as I described the opening in Asheville last weekend. What is it about this mental construct of expectation? As I work toward a goal such as a firing, or a gallery opening, I use my imagination to build a mental picture of the glazes, the finished pots, the gallery setting, and in this case the show! I've gotten used to the kiln blues and worked my way around them. Gallery shows are less frequent and still require a fair amount of work to over the obstacle of expectations.
My expectations for the opening at American Folk Art weren't exactly met but maybe that's more about my own megalomania than the economy! ;-) Hey, I had a good time talking with folks about "the work" and certainly enjoyed going out to dinner with Kyle's family and ours. But why wasn't I elbowing my way through a sea of pottery fanatics? Haa Ha...But wait! It was a beautiful evening and the smiles on the faces of the folks who came to the reception were warming and we had a great time. We laughed, we cried.....I'd love to hear how you deal with your own expectations.
[I love your comments!]
Betsey-Rose did a fabulous job arranging the work and it was pretty exciting to see the drawings framed and on the wall! I brought my daily drawing book and was excited to show that off, too. I sort of wished I had taken some of the better drawings out of it to frame. But it is a treasure to me and I thought it best to keep it intact. I'll definitely do more books! The paper plates were the most fun and I gave them to folks who bought pots as a little gratuity for their patronage.

So I'm on to the next one, which is actually more than just one. I am back in the shop making a few pots for a wood firing with Courtney Martin next week. Just a few more to make before I start decorating and glazing the pots that didn't get treatment during the last firing cycle. But first it's the Spruce Pine Potters Market this coming weekend and I'll dust off my booth and set it up with John on Friday for the big weekend.
I'll just have to avoid the disappointment of high expectations!!
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