January 9, 2008

Elvis Costello and Pottery?

OK, forgive me, I haven't been working in the shop lately, I've been taking advantage of the warm weather to work at the new studio site.

So, I have another pot from the last firing that I wanted to share before it goes out the door. During the last session in the workshop, I was doing some slip trailing and heard this lyric from Elvis Costello,

Are you so superior, are you in such pain
Are you made out of porcelain?
When they made you they broke the cast
Don't wanna be first, I just want to last

music and lyrics by Elvis Costello, from "You'll Never Be A Man", from the album "Trust"

Anyway, there was something that I liked about that. Maybe the mention of porcelain hooked me? Hmmm. I've been listening to Elvis since he arrived on the scene in the late 70's. So...back to the pottery, I trailed the lyric on the next pot. I did a few others which I may share, if you like, in a future post. It was all a warm up, I suppose, for the "Max Woody" jar that I was to do.