Ayumi Horie has a great page-o-links. I'm not just saying that as some sort of blog-o-sphere payola scheme. It's really nicely done. Also see her photo diary of Japan here. Here is just one of the many great views that Ayumi captured on her trip.

In the blurry detail above you may be able to see that it has a curious perforated neck with some flower shaped additions in side the neck. That was something I had never seen. Samantha thought that the body of the pot was thrown as a closed form and the neck was thrown onto the body. Interesting pot with no clear reason as to why it was made this way. Has anyone seen anything like this? Please comment if you have.
WOOD FIRED RAW CLAYReception begins at 6pm. For more info call 828-688-3599. Go to Crimson Laurel web site here.
Be sure to join us this Saturday, April 26th to see the beautiful work produced by this very talented group. We will be featuring the work of students James Ward, Rob Cartelli, Kirby Taylor, Mary Beth Thesing, Zvi Benninga, Fletcher Larkin, Claudia McElraney and Kim Shelton as well as the work of instructors and assistants including Michael Hunt, Naomi Dalglish, David Stumpfle, Maya Machlin and Josh Copus. Come and learn about the local materials available and see some truly amazing finished pieces. The exhibit opens April 26th with a reception including aslide show and lecture and ends May 17th
25. go to pot, to become ruined; deteriorate: "With no one to care for it, the lovely old garden went to pot."And this from the Urban Dictionary:
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