April 1, 2008

New Tom Turner Gems

My good friend and neighbor potter Tom Turner has just unloaded a new kiln load of pottery gems. The photos on Tom's web site don't do justice to the richly glazed surfaces Tom has mastered. No offense to the photography, but I don't think any camera could capture what is happening on those pots. There is no substitute for turning a pot in one's hands and seeing with your own eyes in good light, not to mention the surprise one finds picking up a Turner lid. It's fascinating to see how Tom continues to search for that rarity in glaze. His pottery work is the result of witnessing countless firings, re-firings, hunches, near misses and by the active pursuit of what I like to call ceramic forensics. The attempt to piece together what happens in a pottery kiln, an environment that we can only speculate based on that which remains from the intense heat. These pots come back from the kiln and the glazes are the stories they tell.

Whoa..................................Just go see Tom and see for yourself. Take a good look at these pots! I recommend you go to Tom's studio near Mars Hill, NC or if you can't travel that far go to the website.
People say that what we're seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think that what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.--Joseph Campbell