It all started out with pancakes! Evelyn and I made pancakes and it seems that the best ones were the last few drip's of batter scattered across the griddle randomly. Those were the ones that sparked the imagination! It was the pancake equivalent of watching clouds roll by, lying on your back.
Then, right on the heels of chocolate chip pancakes, Tom came over with some students bearing apple fritters! Somehow we managed to hold off on the fritters till lunch time. Following the girls lead we decided to celebrate one of their imaginary animal's birthday with a picnic in the field. It was a splendid idea and one which encouraged some laying around in the field on a blanket, something I hadn't done in a long time.
After a short hike and some more food and binding of straw with blades of grass, we finally made it up to the shop for some pottery and more play. I tried to get a grip on what I was doing in there and the girls made a fort under the wedging table, behind the row of bats. I made a few jars...while I listened to the girls exchange their "pretend" ideas. I think as long as I fed them and made sure that they went to sleep at a certain time, they could spend the hours of the day pretending and playing at whatever was in front of them. Making a little hideaway under a wedging table was plenty of proof.
We then took the party up to Penland where we met Stacey for dinner. She's taking a class in the letterpress shop with John Horn. I was shocked at the price of dinner at Penland! I know it's all you can eat, but how much can a five and seven year old eat!? The food's great but...
Oh, sorry...I digress.


John Horn shows a Cynthia Bringle poem set in type

After days like this I can safely say that I'm the luckiest man on earth.