easy as 1, 2, 3
Here is a view of some pots I've been looking at and some of the output from today. I made several of these 2 gallon jars and put them outside under the shed to dry. They don't get handles and aren't trimmed so they can go on the fast track. The weather is unusually hot for June and dry, so a potter can really get busy.

In other news, this curious creature has finally arrived in the shop. A few years ago I first noticed its ancestors landing on freshly thrown pots and putting their heads down as if they were eating, they probably were. They only landed on the pots that were made with my native dirt. Last summer it got to be pretty annoying. They were everywhere and my shop was infested. They don't actually damage the pots they were just everywhere! Anyway, if anyone out there can identify they little creatures please let me know. They have big eyes and love my clay!