June 18, 2008

Tow It

I had a close call last night. As I pulled out of my drive onto the road my Honda went CLUNCK, CLUNCK, skreeech...and stopped, leaning a little on the drivers side. The ball joint busted and the front end was sitting on Snow Creek Road. Sorry the MeTube crew wasn't on hand to film.We remove it from the road before any traffic showed and towed it to the garage. Luckily I wasn't going 60mph down a curvy road!

I will be driving the truck in the coming days to bring pots to the kiln. I started decorating last night and will continue to bisc fire today after cutting a little wood this morning.

I have meaning to post this children's story "Potter Brownware". This is a book we first found in the Bakersville Public Library, in the kids books. We have since bought a couple copies online as presents. I like to show this as part of my slide talk. I will try to post a couple a day. Here goes.


Doug: I think we could write your story as Potter Slipware, just change a few elements of the story, maybe even make a movie!