After making a handful of pots last week, I realized that I needed some places to put the pots when they're finished. In the words of Gomer
"gawwwwaaaawwwwleeeee". Or in the words of Homer, "DOHHH!" So this Gomer/Homer moment spun me into a sawdust mode and I installed a couple of remnants from the old shop over the weekend. Below is a tidy picture of the new /old counter top where I almost immediately installed (temporarily) the dusty old analog stereo system. What is it about horizontal surfaces? Gravity? I just want to fill them up with whatever is around...

To the right of the door is the drybox/storage rack. When the pots are finished and ready for the kiln I can slide the ware boards of pots all the way in and stockpile'em. Below, Evelyn tests the strength of not only my ware boards but the dry box rack itself. I wasn't worried about her furry friend(above) but I was relieved when all hell
didn't break loose after she put all of her 40 pounds down upon the board. Phew! I guess it's a go!