at John's storage unit.
It was a beautiful clear day. Cold and windy, but nice. Micah Cain came over for some heavy lifting and general schlepping of stuff still stored away and almost forgotten over Micaville way. We stored my booth up in the attic space in between truss framing. We moved a hydraulic press and the old Peter Pugger, among other things. While we were there we ran into my old buddy John Snyder who was also moving some things out of storage. John insisted that I take a couple of nifty tables with wheels he had built and no longer needed. I graciously accepted and we piled'em on the old Ford.After looking over the tables, I had a hunch that I could possibly use one for my Shimp wheel. I hadn't had the time to build my table, ball opener, and splash pan for the Shimpo, and it turned out after removing the top piece of plywood that the lower shelf was just the right height for the wheel to sit. I like my wheel head to be just below my hips and that it was. I locked the wheels and off I went to test it out. I threw a ten pound jug. The clay was just right and the table was fine. I'll consider using it permanently if I can add a wooden splash pan and ball opener, which shouldn't be a problem.

I'm working on the "set list" for the Kansas State U. workshop on Friday. I'm really excited to go there and show them some of what I do. I'm not positive, but I think it's open to the general public. I'll find out for sure. It would be great to see you there if you're in the neighborhood. I'll also be doing some brushwork demos, as well as a brief lecture that evening. More on the set list, lecture, and access to the workshop in the coming days.