The process of choosing pots for shows, or merely looking at the pots you have just fired can be an extremely challenging task. As many have noted the expectations that a potter must put to good use in collaboration with the mind's eye as he/she decorates and glazes their work is a trickster. In the end the gut instinct, the pot that you reach for instinctively is sometimes the best in the eyes of the beholder. Although it may be difficult to assess just by looking at an image on a screen, certain key reactions are valid if not as complete an experience as holding a pot in one's hands.
The process of choosing pieces for an exhibition is usually a difficult one for me. I try to balance the group of pots against the individual favorites. I have all kinds of rationalizations that are put into play, just to make a few 'simple' decisions. This blog vote was a first for me, maybe in pottery bloggery history. I don't know. I wish there had been more votes and maybe I should have made it more anonymous, maybe next time. The candidates for the vote all made the cut, in my opinion. But to choose the five to sent, I thank you for helping me narrow the field. Here are the pots that I shipped this morning.

I'll keep you posted about the online
Yunomi Show at AKAR. It opens Friday March 27th at 10 a.m.
Thanks for helping. I'll definitely do this again.