May 11, 2009

Gratz Industries Stokes Like A Natural

As far as I know Alan Gratz hasn't fired a wood kiln, but you wouldn't know it by the deft stoking he has demonstrated in just a short time. He is allowing me to take a little break, have some quick noodles and finish up on time for Stacey's Montessori board meeting at 7. (fingers crossed!)
Alan brought his video camera and no doubt be doing some blogging of his own. Those of you all who have been reading for a while might remember Alan from the infamous ditch digging we did back in December. Pictures and video will follow.

The last two hours have been tricky as the bottom of the kiln has raced ahead of the top. Exactly the opposite from my usual strategy. I have been tweeking dampers, passive dampers, stoking intervals, wood size, you name it. It's a damp/rainy day and I'm a little concerned about reduction with those copper glazes in there.

I left Alan with about 2100ºF and I will take my mini lunch break and get bak up there shortly. I have some chinking to do and general stoke door maintenance. More later.