Here is a handy little way to a) keep glaze in the glaze bucket, b) keep the appropriate container close to the glaze bucket at all times. This is shareware and if you like it after trying it for free you can send me a check for $10. Just kidding of course. [Stacey says, "No, we're not kidding, we need the cash!"] I'll let you decide.
Grab a packing tape gun and tape over about a quarter of the diameter of the bucket. Not too tight. Leave a little slack, the cup will nestle better. Run the tape far enough down the bucket to give good grip. Off you go to glazing heaven.
Maybe a naming contest will stimulate the conversation. If your name suggestion is chosen you will receive your very own "what-cha-ma-callit" or "fancy schmancy device"!
{Employees of Kline Pottery are not eligible. some state and local restrictions may apply. offer ends whenever we decide on the name}