April 11, 2011


Had a great visit with Ron today! Ron was bringing new pots to Crimson Laurel Gallery and I brought the first batch of pots for my upcoming show with Stacey, there, opening on the 7th of May. Ron turned me on to Eckardt Tolle and I shared the 5by5 programs. There aren't very many people that I can talk pottery blog to and Ron is my "ichiban" go-to potter blogger, for sure. We talked about the evolution of our blogs and the current state of pottery blogs in general. There are so many more pottery blogs out there than when we began and we both lamented about our inability to keep up with all of them! I guess that's a good thing, (so many out there), but also an unfortunate reality (no time to read them all). Ron's blog began as Potter's Journal. The title bar said that the blog was "A record of what's happening at the Pottery along with thoughts, ideas, rants, ramblings, and other fun stuff". Now is simply called Ron Philbeck Pottery, but remains a quintessential online journal of what's happening down at the center of the pottery universe in Shelby, NC. His, as well as my fellow POTR buddy, Shane Mickey, was the inspiration for me to start blogging in the first place. If I continue to follow Ron's lead, I'll be doing more vlogging (also known as vidding, or vid-blogging) in the future! Here is a vintage vlog from Ron done when he was still too shy to talk!

I'll be heading down to Shelby in a couple of weeks for the visiting Brit-potters to pick up some slipware techniques! ;-) Here's more info on that exciting event! Maybe I'll see you there?

Well, so much for not having enough time for blogging, but seeing as the girls have just now gone to bed and my hands are not covered in clay (yet) I'd thought I'd stick my head into your computers and say hi, before I head up the hill to finish some porcelain platters for the big show next month in Bakersville. I'll have some actual pottery pictures soon, but in the meantime here's one from a few years ago of Ron and Alex and I.

matisse, kline, philbeck, 2009