March 18, 2008

Catawba Valley Pottery and Antiques Festival

I hope if you are within a couple hours drive you will come to the festival this Saturday, March 22nd. There will be many of the region's best pottery there to see and purchase. Not only can you see contemporary pottery, but also several of the best dealers of the old pots as well. This will be my first time doing the show, so I'm looking forward to meeting some new folks and introducing them to my work.
At 11a.m. Saturday Dr. Henry Glassie will lecture on “Use and Beauty: The Art of Southern Folk Pottery.” Dr. Glassie is a folklore expert and professor at Indiana University and has written numerous books, including “Patterns in the Material Culture of the Eastern United States” and “Folk Housing in Middle Virginia.”

Here is a link to the show ad.

Kim Ellington will be there, too. Here is a nice piece from his web site.

Vase, 12" Kim Ellington

2 Handle face jug, Burlon Craig, from The Mint Museum Collection