March 19, 2008

Wait and See

As the phrase goes, Waiting to see, but I sent my camera into the abyss Cousteau-style teathered to send images up to the mothership. According to the Nikon manual says that the camera is rated for no more than 120*F we thought it would be worth it to get the images you and I yearn for. The pyrometer says 201*F but sometimes they can be off. Anyway we figured that one last go of this 4 mega pixel dinosaur would give it hero status among the 30 mega pixel crowd and we may have to replace it since it's 5 years old and probably should be "put down" anyway.

Enough about our hero, let's get on with the images it dredged from the heat, shall we?

Our first picture is from the top front of the kiln showing how cone 10(erect middle cone) was reluctant to perform for us there in the end. No matter the glazes are all fine and salt is fine on the big jar. The even more erect cone is 11, cone 10's evil cousin here at the pottery. They sometimes travel together in this kiln and can make things messy, but oh so juicy. There will be plenty to grind from the abyss near the firebox. More about that tomorrow, when we unload in earnest. All right, now let's go to some peep holes,Here we see the top back of the kiln where , no surprise, we have almost identical temperature. In the foggy distance is a big jar with a slip trailed 'Edgefield' flower.
Slightly below the top of the back of the kiln is this fine view. With some success with the flash, our hero the Nikon 4300 came through for us and gave me just enough information that will give me the hope I need to go on. I will take more bricks off the kiln later tonight although the forecast is calling for high winds. I will "wait and see".