March 26, 2008

Moustache Pt. 2

Yesterday I posted the card with moustache by Geci. It reminded me of a real moustache, that of folklorist, Dr. Henry Glassie. Dr. Glassie spoke so eloquently at the Pottery Festival in Hickory last Saturday. It is the third time I have had the pleasure of hearing him speak. The first was at the Utilitarian Clay Conference at Arrowmont in '95(?), then at the NC Pottery Center in '01(?) when he came with Mehmet Gursoy and other Turkish masters.

His talk was titled, " Use and Beauty: The Art of the Southern Pot" and he drew the listeners attention to the potters work, the quest for beauty in their finished pots, with wonderful images of runny fluid ash glazes and emphasized the utility that these pots provide. Dr. Glassie 'preached' the gospel of the southern pot and spoke often of the spiritual nature of the potter's work and his quest "to please God"and to make something of utilitarian value and visual beauty.

I tried to record Dr. Glassie's lecture, but had microphone issues and didn't get it. But I have found this conversation Dr. Glassie had with with Eric Sandweiss, associate professor of history at IUB and the editor of the Indiana Magazine of History. It will give you a sense of the intellect and the poetry of Henry Glassie.