July 2, 2008

First Things First

The Move begins with the important stuff.

Also I wanted to show the bottom of this bowl because it shows the range of "color" that the clay, slip, salt had on the pots in this firing. The darker areas are where the slip is thinner and the whiter areas are where the slip overlapped. [the vine deco is wax resist]
I don't always like how the drips go this way and that, but it's a fact of life when I dip and pour the slip. I am starting to quickly brush these drips right after I dip and before it dries, which is pretty much in a few seconds. The slip crackles in the direction of the brush strokes. Sorry I didn't get a picture of that for you.
This one went to Iowa City, IA.
Nice and toasty! I hope things have dried a bit there.
Off to the parade at Penland!