July 24, 2008

Pottery Center continued

Again I bring to your attention our NC Pottery Center. Tom Starland has written a thoughtful and sympathetic post at his blog Carolina Arts Unleashed. In his recent post he says:
These are tough times for the arts. It’s tough times for everyone - except a few - about 1% of our population. They have been tough times since the year 2000. I wonder what happened that year and has continued through today? I wonder.
A few folks from that 1% could solve this problem themselves, but it may take a lot of folks like you and me. They need an Obama type internet fundraiser - lots of little donations - all at the same time.
I sent my check in last week because I care deeply about center and what it represents. How many states can boast their own Pottery Center that celebrates its pottery heritage and promotes a future appreciation for what we do as potters?

A few years ago I drove over to the NCPC to meet and learn from several potters from Turkey who had been in Washington D.C. for the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival held on the National Mall. Where did they go before they returned home after that long ten day event? Seagrove and the NC Pottery Center! That's the kind of international, not just local reputation this area has for pottery. And the Center still has the potential to carry that torch.

According to my site statistics there are a lot of you folks out there that read this blog and I am grateful for your "ear" and I know we, as a humble group, can make a difference just like Tom Starland has suggested.

I hope you will please consider a donation wherever you are. Here is the link that you can go to to help out the Center. The Pottery Center and I thank you.