As long as the snake is preoccupied with itself the rabbit lives.
But they both burn into immortality tomorrow!
The day of painting continues
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Making pots always came first and I had many part time jobs to pay for my obsession until I finally made the decision to jump into the profession full time in 1992. I was very naive at the beginning as far as knowing how much I needed to make, but always felt that I could make some kind of living selling pots. My idea of making a living as a potter wasn’t focused on finances as much as making good work and living the life. I always felt that if I made work that was good and that I liked, it would sell itself.The magazine will be available in mid-May. Look for it in your mailbox or news stand!
Earlier, in 1989 I took a workshop with Michael Simon at Penland. Michael was the mentor, the model for me and I decided that his pursuit would be mine as well. No matter the cost. It was a “build and they will come attitude” and I reveled in making the pots I wanted to make.
The 1990’s were great times for starting a pottery. The shows were popular and there was an excitement among my peers who were starting out. The field was growing and the older and more established potters who had been doing the big juried shows held on tightly to their place. But we were ambitious and wanted in.