December 20, 2010

Flashback: The Axes

brushes almost eclipsing the bat, 2007

Did you know that the last time there was a lunar eclipse on the winter solstice (Dec. 21st) was 1693?! And did you know that the next time it will occur will be in 2094?!

Anyway, this post first ran on Dec. 18th 2007! (not exactly the solstice, but are you reading Catherine White's great blog?)

Looks like I'm still using most of these beat up brushes!

excerpt from the original,

I tend to paint patterns on most pots, but sometimes a pot has such a nice line that I leave it alone. I once heard the phrase, "decorate the dogs", and if that were the case for me I guess I make a lot of dogs.

I guess I'll take Jack out to howl at the moon!

[read the original post here]