July 14, 2012

Only the Boring are Bored

Stacey reminded me that it's not just boredom that can propel us in our creative work and Carter Gillies responded to that last post in a wonderful email. It got me to thinking.

While boredom may be the more passive route to discovery, curiosity leads one who has an active inquisitive mind.

Carter writes,

Being restless CAN be about boredom but it also seems to be about how open we are to new directions. Sometimes our comfort is all that matters, and doing things by routine is a reward we enjoy. Other times that's not enough. We see things that we wonder about. We are curious. And if we don't look any deeper it may turn out that we later regret only settling for what we've got rather than being open to something new.
Carter has unsurpassed rigor as a blogger. In the era of 140 characters, Carter dives deep and uses more than thumbs to make his case. Read Carter's blog.