October 29, 2008

New Blog by John Tilton

Florida potter John Tilton is an avid reader of this blog and has caught the blog bug! I first met John here in NC while he was visiting Tom Turner. We had a great lunch together, talked about blogs and making pots and I encouraged him to begin writing about his work with a blog. Here it is! Please see for yourself. For the back story, check out his web site and read some of his essays, and his wonderful gallery of pots. Check this out, I want one!

[A note about the Blog Roll]
Many potters are writing about their work and their lives through the blog. It's an exciting time of sharing and camaraderie. I can barely keep up with all the new potter bloggers out there, so forgive the long blog roll. Only the most recently updated blogs appear at the top of the roll. If you're looking for a particular blog it may be downlist as the blog roll updates regularly and it doesn't take long for weekly blogs to get buried. One of my favorite blogs, "This week @ St Earth Pottery", doesn't get updated automatically, but a link can be found at the bottom of the roll (sorry Scott), as well as here.

As always, thanks for reading!