November 3, 2010

Getting It Out There

I had a great visit with the wonderful students in Gay Smith's class yesterday! I went up to do a little painting and talking. My demo became more of a unrehearsed monologue and I hope folks got something out of my stream of consciousness presentation!
As for the blog, I seemed to have lost myself in certain questions that may not have definitive answers! Thanks for everybody's thoughtful comments! I've also drifted so far from the shore of the ACC sessions from a week and a half ago that I'm afraid that it may be too late to share (and accurately reconstruct my thoughts on it from here. Are these circumstances a product of the times? Are things moving too fast?
Pots that need attention are piling up on my table under plastic, so I'd better get right to it!

I want to quickly share what I was reading and watching this morning. Artonomy is a blog/website that I stumbled upon in my online meanderings. Describing their mission:
Whatever your skill, if you don't feel at home in a business suit you'll feel at home here.
So naturally my interest was peaked. Every month they do a survey of links, etc. to take notice of and today they released their October "best of the web". In today's post they shared a video from RSA Animate, an interesting way of "illustrating" lectures given by really brilliant people you may not necessarily have heard of. I've been checking these videos out and was pleased to see this one as well. For your convenience here's the most recent video. Now it's off to the studio and on to the next one(s): potterymaking' and plastic chasin'
Have a good one.