August 18, 2008

Comments and Disqus

It's always an unsettling feeling when a fire arm is posted on the blog, but I thought this was pretty funny although maybe a little bit too forceful an image, but related to this post.

I switched to Disqus a while back with hopes that any conversation that began in the 'comment' section could continue, but there seems to be a hang up. I have been told by the Disqus people that commenters have to register with Disqus and claim your identity! I know, "not another password"??? I understand. But for those brave techno souls out there that would be willing to sign up, I might be able to help if you can help me figure this out.

If you register to comment on this blog you will be eligible for a piece of my pottery from the next firing. So let me know how it goes, leave a comment letting me that you have claimed your identity. You can even upload a picture of your smiling face or any such image that will display every time you comment.

Here's what you need to do to enter the drawing:
Click the comment button below this post.
Go to the comment box and leave a comment, something witty, something funny, anything, express your opinion.
Click the "register" button and fill in info. Email won't be seen on blog comment.
If all goes well, you will be eligible to win the pottery and your voice will be heard.
I will announce a drawing after the next firing, facilitated by an impartial/unbiased employee here at the pottery (who isn't eligible to win)

Don't be a stranger.