August 4, 2008


I'm breaking my "blog vacation" to let you know that things are looking up for our NC Pottery Center. Meredith Heywood of Whynot Pottery, of Seagrove writes:

Hi Michael,
I just wanted to update you on fund raising for the NCPC- I hope everyone sees that the dollars add up. Sending anything from 25.00 and up is moving the center in the right direction for support. Here are some figures:
For actual cash donations the total is $23,294.00. For money attributed to memberships the total is $2,939.00 This gives us a grand total of $26,233.00 This is in house and we have pledges which are not in as of yet. We have one donor who has pledge 10k if we make 90k. Keep the donations coming- Thanks!

Here is the note about that donor,

"A North Carolina couple has offered a $10,000 challenge contribution to cap the North Carolina Pottery Center's $100,000 fund drive once the Center has raised $90,000. They hope that this challenge will encourage many others to "reach" for that $90,000 goal as soon as possible. They are making this challenge contribution in honor of Drs. Everette James and Nancy Farmer.

It is their hope that the Pottery Center, along with the Department of Cultural Resources and the North Carolina Arts Council, will continue to educate and encourage pottery art and history in North Carolina."

Here is the link for those of you that still want to donate or become members.

Way to go everybody!