September 26, 2010

Before /After 36

As I try to reconstruct the happenings a week ago and make more notes as to what may have happened in the fiery box, I'm putting the finishing touches on the images to be used in the online portion of my show at the American Folk Art Gallery in Asheville. Over the last few years and thousands of peeks into the view of my camera lens, I have noticed that I am perceiving the pots in a new way, through the lens. Or better yet, seeing images of the pots give me another way of seeing the pots, a viewing I almost depend on, now, to complete my impression of the pot. There's nothing like seeing the pot and holding it, turning it again and again, but the jpeg has become another way that I can step back from the pot and get another point of view, just like stepping back from the wheel and squinting, while I am throwing.

front/door tier

back tier

Anyway, here are the obligatory before and after pictures of the stacks. Not only is this blog a way for me to share with all of you the goings on around here, but it is also a searchable database. I will try to compile links to previous B/A posts, maybe I'll learn something, too. This blog is a good way of jarring the memory!

Sorry the images are kind of quirky. Hopefully you can get an idea what's what.