June 24, 2008

XXVII Loaded

Just finished loading the kiln this evening after going up to "The School" for slides. My buddy Mark Shapiro is teaching this session. [More on that next week.] Mark had a really nice slide show, where he talked about 'tertiary' interests and influences. Concerning some of his current work he referenced minerrets and early writing on clay tablets. I couldn't stay for the after-party, but I'm sure everyone had a good time. Anderson Cooper, just back from Africa, was being wisked in with his entourage. [4: S.Royce: just kidding, again]

Here are some pre firing pics.

The back stack

The front stack. Boy, it all looks the same except for a few yellow looking pots. This will be the first all-salt glaze firing (excepts for a couple of straggling glazed pots from XXVI)
There are a couple of Lindsay Rogers pots mixed in there. She is a resident at the Energy Xchange. [spelled xchange, really]

See Lindsay's web site here.

Tomorrow I head back up to "The School" to get some soft brick for my door and check in with Mark's class. I'll remember to take my camera and report back to all of ya'll who couldn't make the after-party. Then I'll check the stack one last time, brick up the door, clean out the firebox, and take my disco nap for the all night 'lobster trick'.